
Showing posts from December, 2014

sys / as sysdba should require a password

sys / as sysdba should require a password Applies to:             Enterprise Linux – Version: 5 Description:             Sqlplus / as sysdba connections go through OS authentication rather than database authentication. Any user with OS access can log into database irrespective of valid account available in database. Sys / as sysdba could not login without a password. How can we control OS authentication to stop any OS user to login as SYSDBA? Solution: Set the following parameter in init.ora file: REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT = FALSE open sqlnet.ora file and set the following parameter: SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NONE) save and exit file. now you cannot login "sys / as sysdba" without password. Your comments, especially which will help us improve the functionality, will be greatly appreciated :)