
Showing posts from February, 2019

How to Configure Automounter AUTOFS to access Windows Share Folder

How to Configure Automounter AUTOFS Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7             Oracle Database Description: I need to access Windows Shared Folder from Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 through AUTOFS. Solution: To configure AUTOFS follow the simple steps:             Following two rpm’s required: yum install autofs -y yum install cifs-utils -y mkdir /sep Edit /etc/auto.master file and add the following line under /misc: /sep     /etc/auto.sep Save and exit Now create or edit /etc/auto.sep file and add the following line: Backups -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,user=<username>, pass=<password>://<winshare> Save and exit <username> = windows user name <password> = windows password <winshare> = windows share folder Service autofs restart Now try to access your share: Cd /sep/Backups/ df -h Your comments, especially which will help