How to Configure Tiger VNC Server on Linux 7
How to Configure Tiger VNC Server on Linux 7 Applies to: Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7 Description: After successful installation of Oracle Linux 7, I need to configure VNC for remote access. Solution: To configure Tiger VNC server on Oracle Linux 7 follow the simple steps: To check the required rpm’s: [root@testora ~]# rpm –qa |grep tigervnc Install tigervnc-server [root@testora ~]# yum install tigervnc-server –y To create a user for VNC: [root@testora ~]# adduser vncuser [root@testora ~]# passwd vncuser [root@testora ~]# su - vncuser [vncuser@testora ~]$ vncpasswd Password: Verify: [vncuser@tes...