
Showing posts from 2019

ORA-01000: Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded

Error ORA-01000: Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded Applies to:             Oracle Database Description: We are facing the error “ora-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded” on our production database server. The error is related to cursor limit, open_cursors exceeding its default value. Solution:             To fix the issue we can either kill the inactive sessions which have open the large number of cursors or increase the value of open_cursors. To check the open_cursors limit: Execute the following query to list the top 10 sessions which are currently opening most cursors: SQL> select * from(select sess.sid,, sess.value from v$sesstat sess, v$statname stan where sess.statistic# = stan.statistic# and like ‘%opened cursors current%’ order by desc 3) where rownum < 11; Now we check the detail of above se...

Error ORA-06413 Connection not open

Error ORA-06413 Connection not open Applies to:             Windows 7 64bit             Oracle Database Description: After re-install the windows 7 64-bit, I am unable to connect my Oracle Database instance using Toad TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora and LISTENER.ora files are configured correctly. - When try to connect my database using Toad it shows the following error: Error: ORA-06413 Connection not open Solution:             I have found that the error caused by the parenthesis in the path: “C:\Program Files (x86)/..” where Toad install. To fix the error execute the following command from command prompt to make a link: C:>mklink /j “Program Files x86” “Program Files (x86)” Now update shortcut of Toad with new path “C:\Program Files x86\..” It’s working fine. ...

EXP-00091 Exporting Questionable Statistics

EXP-00091 Exporting Questionable Statistics Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7             Oracle Database Description: After upgrade Oracle Database from to, when export database user dump face the following error: “EXP-00091 Exporting questionable statistics” Solution:             I have found that the error occur when try to export table data with its related optimizer statistics. To fix the error run export with parameter “statistics=none”: exp scott/tiger file=exp_scott.dmp statistics=none             Your comments, especially which will help us improve the functionality, will be greatly appreciated J

Unable to Connect Oracle Database Server from Oracle Client - Change Oracle Database Character Set

Unable to Connect Oracle Database Server from Oracle Client - Change Oracle Database Character Set Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 5             Oracle EBS R12             Description: I have installed a new VISION instance on Oracle Linux 5. All is going well, all configuration and setup completed successfully. All services of Database and Application started successfully. Application is also working fine from client side. I have a problem to connect database from client side. TNSNAMES.ORA file also configured on client side but unable to connect SQLPLUS. SQLPLUS session going to hang/close when trying to connect: CMD> Sqlplus apps/apps@VIS Solution: After some research I found that the character set of Database is default to “AL16UTF16” which create the problem to c...

Late Charges Report Print Wrong Date - Less Than 1 Day of the Original Date

Late Charges Report Print Wrong Date - Less Than 1 Day of the Original Date Applies to:             Oracle Receivables R12 12.1.3             Oracle Database Description: We have noted that the “Late Charges Report” print the wrong date less than 1 day of the original date. Responsibility: Receivables Manager Navigation: Late Charges à Generate Late Charges à Late Charges Generate Solution: After some research work I found the solution to apply the following patch: Patch 26500596             ·          You should take backup of your system before applying the patch ·          First apply patch in a TEST environment ·          Re-test the issue I have fixe...

How to Configure Automounter AUTOFS to access Windows Share Folder

How to Configure Automounter AUTOFS Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7             Oracle Database Description: I need to access Windows Shared Folder from Oracle Enterprise Linux 7 through AUTOFS. Solution: To configure AUTOFS follow the simple steps:             Following two rpm’s required: yum install autofs -y yum install cifs-utils -y mkdir /sep Edit /etc/auto.master file and add the following line under /misc: /sep     /etc/auto.sep Save and exit Now create or edit /etc/auto.sep file and add the following line: Backups -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,user=<username>, pass=<password>://<winshare> Save and exit <username> = windows user name <password> = windows password <...

Error in invoking target agent nmhs of makefile

Error in invoking target agent nmhs of makefile Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7             Oracle Database Description: After successful installation of Oracle Linux 7, when I start the installation of Oracle Database it is going to hang on 70%, installation log file show the following error: Exception Name: MakefileException Exception String: Error in invoking target ‘agent nmhs’ of makefile Solution: To fix the above problem follow the simple steps:             Edit this file: -        /d01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/sysman/lib/ -        Change the following: OLD: $(MK_EMAGENT_NMECTL) NEW: $(MK_EMAGENT_NMECTL) –lnnz11 Restart the Database installation,...

How to Change the Boot Sequence of Oracle Linux 7

How to Change the Boot Sequence of Oracle Linux 7 Applies to:             Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 7 Description: After successful installation of Oracle Linux 7, when I restart the Linux I should select the second option from boot sequence within 3 second to start up the Oracle Linux. Solution:             To change the boot sequence in Oracle Linux 7 follow the simple steps:             GRUB2 count the menu entries in the configuration file starting at 0 for the first entry. To display the menu entries that are defined in the configuration file: [root@khi]# cd /boot/grub2 [root@khi grub2]# grep '^menuentry' /boot/grub2/grub.cfg menuentry 'Oracle Linux Server (4.1.12-61.1.18.el7uek.x86_64 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) 7.3' --class oracle --class gnu-linux --class gnu -...