
Showing posts from August, 2019

ORA-01000: Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded

Error ORA-01000: Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded Applies to:             Oracle Database Description: We are facing the error “ora-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded” on our production database server. The error is related to cursor limit, open_cursors exceeding its default value. Solution:             To fix the issue we can either kill the inactive sessions which have open the large number of cursors or increase the value of open_cursors. To check the open_cursors limit: Execute the following query to list the top 10 sessions which are currently opening most cursors: SQL> select * from(select sess.sid,, sess.value from v$sesstat sess, v$statname stan where sess.statistic# = stan.statistic# and like ‘%opened cursors current%’ order by desc 3) where rownum < 11; Now we check the detail of above se...

Error ORA-06413 Connection not open

Error ORA-06413 Connection not open Applies to:             Windows 7 64bit             Oracle Database Description: After re-install the windows 7 64-bit, I am unable to connect my Oracle Database instance using Toad TNSNAMES.ora, SQLNET.ora and LISTENER.ora files are configured correctly. - When try to connect my database using Toad it shows the following error: Error: ORA-06413 Connection not open Solution:             I have found that the error caused by the parenthesis in the path: “C:\Program Files (x86)/..” where Toad install. To fix the error execute the following command from command prompt to make a link: C:>mklink /j “Program Files x86” “Program Files (x86)” Now update shortcut of Toad with new path “C:\Program Files x86\..” It’s working fine. ...