Unable to mount NTFS file system in oracle enterprise linux 5
Unable to mount NTFS file system in oracle enterprise linux 5
Applies to:
I am using Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5, I am trying to mount a NTFS file system USB drive on linux but unable to succeed and got the following error:
Applies to:
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5
Database 11gR2
I am using Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5, I am trying to mount a NTFS file system USB drive on linux but unable to succeed and got the following error:
mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive/
mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'
After some research work I found that install the FUSE and NTFS-3G packages to resolve the issue.
You can download the packages from:
To check the package installed or not:
rpm -qa |grep fuse
To install the packages execute the folloiwng:
rpm -ivh fuse-2.6.3-1.el4.rf.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh fuse-ntfs-3g-2010.5.22-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
After successfull installation of packages I can mount the NTFS USB drive successfully:
mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive/
Your comments, especially which will help us improve the functionality, will be greatly appreciated :)
ntfs file system File System is a file system used in Microsoft Windows operating systems for organizing and managing files and directories on hard disks and other storage devices.