Unable to start HTTP server, error while loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2

Applies to:

Oracle Enterprise Linux – Version: 5.8
Oracle EBS R12.1.3


After cloning EBS R12 successfully, when I am going to start the services, find that the HTTP_Server is down. I have tried to restart the HTTP service, but could not start. All services of Oracle EBS going to startup normal except HTTP server:


Find the following error in HTTP server log file:

There is missing some libraries.
Shutdown all EBS services and create a link for missing library as below:
Find that the library libdb.so.2 not exists. So create the link as below:

Now start all services and retest the issue:

HTTP Server is started normal, Oracle EBS is up and running now.

Your comments, especially which will help us improve the functionality, will be greatly appreciated.


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