ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while connecting to database as sysdba

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while connecting to database as sysdba

Applies to:
            Oracle Database
            Oracle Linux 5 and above

After hardware failure of our Test server, we restore the backup of Test server on new machine. We are unable to connect/start the database. We are facing the error “ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while connecting to database as sysdba” on our Test database server.

            This is a very common or generic error that can occur after the new oracle database software installation. There are multiple reasons of this error. I describe the only one which belongs to me.
After some research I found that my user did not belong to dba group. Issue the following command to add the user “oratest” to dba group:
[root@oradb ~]# usermod -a -G dba oratest

Now connect the oracle database from oratest user:
[oratest@oradb ~]# sqlplus / as sysdba

Its working fine now.

Your comments, especially which will help us improve the functionality, will be greatly appreciatedJ
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